Sunday, 11 August 2013

Gardening Tips: How to Plant Organic Garlic

Organic farming techniques have become increasingly popular as people become more aware of where their food is coming from. And consistently dissatisfied with the flavor and richness in quality. 

Organic Garlic, is one of the many vegetables being produced with excellent if not better results than conventional / modern methods of farming. Organic garlic has such boldness of flavor and supreme quality. Because garlic is such a hearty plant pesticides are very unnecessary. Growing garlic does not take any special techniques different from any good gardening practices. Keeping it weed free and not over watering will give you fantastic results.

Organic Garlic in grocery stores is often hard to find. There is a surprisingly amount of garlic coming from China. Which is unfortunate, particularly for Canadians because Canada grows superior garlic. Some of the deep character comes from cold winters of which Canada has plenty.
As with most if not all food, the best food you grow yourself. Or find at your local farmers market, where you know it is fresh and was ripened naturally. To grow organic garlic yourself you need to first find garlic seed, or seed garlic as it is often called. There are many heritage and gourmet varieties that you can order online. One of the luxuries of growing your own food is choosing what food you have, in the stores we are always dealt shorthanded with very few varieties to choose from. People think garlic is just garlic, well that like saying a car is a car or a dog is a dog not considering the many differences and qualities of each variety. Consider for a moment a Geo Metro and a BMW or a Chihuahua and a Great Dane. Not quite the same anymore are they.

Organic Garlicis much the same it has many differences from the boldness of Marbled Purple Stripes, to the smoothness of the Rocamboles. There are many groups of garlic and they are very much in deed different. 

Growing Organic Garlic only requires attention to two major problems weeds and moisture. Moisture is by far the most dangerous, Weeds will inhibit large growth but you will still have nice garlic. While moisture on the other hand can destroy your garlic, garlic is susceptible to mold and mildew. Well drained soils and a good curing practices allow for virtually no problems. 

The only other reason while someone may want to not grow organically is for Fertilizer. Really does size matter? Well I will let you answer that for yourself. Please use wise practices and know that we are only borrowing the earth from our children and our children’s children. The earth will provide all we need let us take care of her and stop trying to cheat ourselves with instant gratification.

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