Sunday, 11 August 2013

Organic Garlic Varieties - Hardneck and Softneck Garlics

Not all garlic is alike, in fact there are hundreds of varieties to choose from, and Hardneck garlics are on their way to the top. 

Garlic Varieties

Garlic is split into two major categories: Hardneck garlic and softneck garlic. Softneck garlics are most common and commercially grown in warmer climates like California, Mexico and China. They are widely known and are usually what you will find at your local supermarket. When people think of garlic it is often a softneck. They are beautiful in their own way, particularly in braids. 

Hardneck garlics are unique. They cannot be grown commercially and get their name through the hard wood like stem that comes from the top of the bulb. Hardneck garlic also produces a scape which displays the flower at it’s culmination. This is exclusive to hardneck varieties. Hardneck garlic also produces flavors that are much bolder and have amazing character. The cloves are often very huge. These types are often sought after by gourmet chefs.

There are many categories of Hardneck garlics, here are some of my favorites: Rocamboles, Porcelains, Standard Purple Stripe, and Marbled Purple Stripe.

Rocambole Hardneck garlics have a unique amazing flavor, slightly weaker in heat but excellent flavor. They have very large cloves with brown clove skins and rounded tops and peal easily In fact very easily. The easy peeling cloves give great convenience but due to the loose wrappers there storage is very short you don’t see quality Rocamboles past December. They are a great example of a true hardneck garlic.

Porcelains are very stunning as well, they have huge cloves with an average of four cloves per bulb. These have been known to have the highest Allicin content, which gives the highest medicinal properties. Their bulb wrappers are usually a gorgeous white, hence the name porcelains, they are also the tallest plant, at full maturity you can have the top of the bulbil head reach seven feet tall. Everyone should have Porcelains in their garden, absolutely amazing.
Standard Purple Stripes, these are probably the most beautiful hardneck garlics around. Their flavor is absolutely amazing, their bulb wrappers are deep purples, and fantastically productive. They have an average of eight to ten cloves per bulb making your own reseeding very cost effective. They have great storage life, and are a must in everybody’s garden.

Marbled Purple Stripes should begin their conversation with… Does size matter? If so Marbled Purple Stripes are your winner. Marbled purple stripes can have impressive size reaching well over three inches in diameter very consistently. They are known by their sheer power, their flavor is very popular and packs a punch that anyone who indulges will remember.

Hardnecks will soon be at the top of everyone list, once you have experienced their beauty and flavor the ordinary softneck will leave you disappointed and bored.

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